Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chantelle Houghton goes from a B to an E!!

It's funny. I would never wish for someone to experience the sore shoulders and posture problems I endured from being a BBG - okay, well maybe that bitchy girl who stuffed her bra in middle school. 

But Chantelle Houghton, a former Celebrity Big Brother star winner, decided that later in life once she became famous and had the dough rolling in, that it was time to go from a size B to an E...did I stu stu stuttttter?

I bet 9 out of 10 BBG's are yelling at Chantelle right now because if you have E-sized breasts ladies, I bet you would do just about anything to reduce the size of those puppies. (every guy out there is cursing this fact).

The once married and now divorced reality TV star had originally applied to be in Big Brother 6 and was a stand-by for that series but was never called up; however, producers decided to use her for the upcoming celebrity version of the show. In October 2007, Chantelle was named "TV's latest reality millionaire"  .

This formal glamour model admits she got carried away with the surgery and now wishes she never signed up for it. The Brit also mentioned that she does special physiotherapy exercises because her large breasts give her back pain. Unfortunately, this comes as no surprise to us at Boobie BIble. Having size E breasts is the equivalent to carrying two ripe and juicy watermelons on your body, while maintaining good posture and wearing 4-inch heals.

For more on this story, visit
photo courtesy of google images

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