As if women weren't portrayed as being desperate enough in the media, enter the marriage hunting bra (or the...uh...Konkatsu bra). Leave it to some crazy Japanese man (or woman) to come up with this ridiculous invention that is said to have been invented as a ploy to help stop Japan's failing marriage rate.
Lingerie company and Marriage Hunting Bra creator Triumph comments on the complicated and intelligent invention: "Once you find your life partner and get engaged, you have to insert the engagement ring into the slot and the clock stops and The Wedding March begins." Triumph comess up with a new concept bra every 6 months...in case you were interested.
VH1's best week ever (love this show) commented "Finally, a designer has created a piece of clothing that will both hold up your breasts while simultaneously reminding you of the paralizing loneliness you live and breathe: The Husband Hunting Bra, also known as the 'Man Touching Your Breasts Minimizer'"
I of course prefer the conventional method of meeting a random dude at a bar at 3am. Just kidding...
Photo compliments of Triumph product launch
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