Every day there is a new wacky invention...sometimes an overnight success, other times quickly forgotten. Take the snuggy for instance (a backwards robe really) or the purse hook. Well, a new item that has been getting some press is the racktrap.
The Racktrap is a perfect gift for a BBG. I admit it - there have been times where I slip some money, a credit card, or a pen in my cleav, so this invention could actually be the answer to your next drunken night out. Instead of bringing a clutch which ends up being lost by the end of the night, buy a racktrap (clever name, I know) which acts as an undetectable personal bra pocket that can hold your license, cash and credit cards in your bra. Let's just hope the bra stays on all night, right ladies?
How to get one:
They are sold individually or in sets of 4 for $19.95 which includes white lace, black lace, nude lace plus a water-resistant sport version for the woman who loves to work out! You can also buy the limited edition gold racktrap for $7.95. If you order from the racktrap Web site, they include free shipping & handling.
Visit RackTrap.com to learn more about the product and possibly order one for yourself.
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