I have a feeling that most gals out there, who maintain good hygene and use hand sanitizer pretty religiously like me, wear their bras at least 5-7 times before washing them (sports bras not included). Well, it turns out we all may need to rethink our bra-gene!
According to many specialists out there, you should be washing your bra after EVERY use. Such frequency allows them to last longer and maintain a great shape. I know washing after each wear is tough but at least try to wash a load of bras one time per week. What's worse, just like sneakers after a good year of wear (does not apply to avid runners), bras have a shelf life of one year as well. I guess the inevitable has happened...I still wear a bra from college that has consistently fit me regardless of my changing boobie size - it's like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants!
Just like yout hands and feet require mani and pedi care a couple times each month, bras are the hardest working item in your wardrobe so naturally they don't last as long as one would think. I grew up watching my mom place her bras - and later mine - in garment bags everytime she threw in a load of laundry so I have continued this practice and highly recommend it. You can buy garment bags almost anywhere - Publix, CVS, target, BB&B. If the bras are more elaborate (like some of Vicky's sexy bras), you may want to hand wash them in the sink but don’t do a lot of scrubbing and avoid twisting or wringing out the bra. (ehow.com)
Some signs of a ready-to-toss bra are: if your bra is fitting looser than normal, it starts coming apart, or the cups are dented or messed up.
Click here for a great article about bra care so you can make sure your prized brassesions surpass their one-year bench mark:
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