Wednesday, August 11, 2010

China reports: Female Infants are Growing Breasts

The fourth largest country in the world is reporting even bigger news, and people are not happy.

The official Chinese Daily Newspaper reports that female infants in China who have been fed milk formula by baby formula company Synutra are growing breasts. Call it another hormone disaster, but medical tests performed on babies being fed Synutra formula found levels of estrogens circulating in their bloodstreams that are as high as those found in most adult women. These babies are just between four and 15 months old.

Synutra denies being the faulty party, and perhaps the hormones that somehow entered the food chain root back to the farmers who reared the cows - they currently use growth hormones to promote greater milk production (source: Chinese Dairy Association).

So who is responsible? It hasn't been determined, but fears are escalating that some of this tainted formula could make its way to the U.S. - after all, a surprising number of food products sold in the U.S. come from China. And what's worse, at this point it's impossible to detect if the infant formula you purchase has been made with milk products from China. Makes me think about all the food we consume and where it really comes from...

Check out the Huffington Post article for more riveting details.

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